Swift 3 Pattern Matching

Hesham Salman
Building VTS
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2017


Nearly two years ago, Natasha the Robot published a short blog about pattern matching with the if case. While it provided an awesome intro into the if case, it was just that: an intro.

By the end of this blog, you’ll be able to match & filter circles around your non-case using colleagues.

The Example

VTS is a commercial real estate technology company — and as such, we’re going to use a building themed example.

In the above example, we have a number of building types with associated values. Enums with associated values can really clean up closely related class objects — and keep you from making mistakes in your state machines.

Above is effectively the equivalent of Natasha’s example — simple and to the point. It allows us to match enumerations based on a single case, and create a localized variable of the field we’re looking to work with. It allows us to switch on a single case of the enumeration without using a verbose switch with default. We can also have conditional matching based on internal fields:

Because we can use if case let, we can also use guard case let in a similar way. But, most importantly, we can combine this with a for loop:

Combining it with a for loop in this way allows us to filter and match over a collection. This lets us perform powerful filtering techniques in an easy-to-read fashion.

Further Reading

Match Me If You Can, by AppVenture

Pattern Match Operator, Swift Documentation

Swift Pattern Matching, Ole Begemann

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iOS & Android Developer @ GitHub. Formerly @ GameChanger, @ viewthespace